12 August 2006

so much for that idea

so another week goes by and yet again, i managed to miss posting. although to be fair, it has been a pretty busy week.

on top of all my other little gigs and freelance work, i am also this seasons "runner" for the utah opera. i can't remember whether or not i have mentioned this before. well, the opera did a performance of pirates of penzance at deer valley, yesterday and tonight. which meant we spent all day monday and tuesday loading in. so for me, i got to drive up and down from salt lake to deer valley 7 or 8 times in two days. pretty exciting, huh.

i also, did a load in and out for one of my freelance contracts wednesday and thursday. kind of fun, but mostly made decent money for fairly simple work.

in between all the other work, i have been spending a lot of time in the office, trying to get everything done and ready to get the new apprentices going, and all of the apprentices geared up for the new semester. we have a big meeting next week and i still have to finish rewriting and creating some new policy information to go in their packets.

the capstone to this exciting work effort was i managed to lock myself out of the building. you see, i had borrowed a friend's car while he was out fo town. well, friday night, we get a little microburst, so i run out to make sure i had shut the windows. of course, on the way i shut the door behind me. so i had to go back this morning to get all of my stuff and finish the project i was in the middle of.
yay for me.

fun fun fun.

daddy, please take the t-bird away.


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