22 March 2007

dancing bounds

i have been working on a new dance show this week.
breaking bounds.
i'm not sure what bounds we are breaking (it pretty much looks like modern dance) but apparently there are some. although at a small college in the heart of happy valley utah (not exactly a bastion of forward, progressive attitudes), i doubt we will be hurting anyone's sensibilities.

i have some ideas i want to talk about concerning professionalism and desire. unfortunately that is all the time i have today. maybe i can update or supplement later today. if not, maybe tomorrow.

i'll tell you more about the show then as well.

tonight is opening and my brain hurts.

15 March 2007

what if...

so i have been thinking a lot about dating lately. a friend of mine who hasn't dated in years just started again. and a co-worker of mine gave me a long lecture on how it wasn't fair to the women out there that a "nice, smart, funny guy like you is single and not out there. there are too few for you to be staying at home." now before we get into disputing the nice, or smart, or funny aspects of this statement, we will take a moment for the hysterical laughter and snorts of derision to abate.




no really. enough is enough.

stop already.

well, i will continue on at this point anyway. please ignore the sniggers and chuckles from behind the hands in the audience.

the interesting thing about this is that recently i have been around two women i think are available, both are smart, have great senses of humor, awesome people (from what i can tell so far; i should tell you this isn't my best skill when i am emotionally involved), and both are above average on the aesthetically pleasing scale. one i have known for a few months but haven't seen for 2-3; the other i just met.

so now the question becomes why not ask.

because i am a coward.
thats right. i said it.
i'm a 'fraidy-cat.
women scare the hell out of me.
sometimes though, i wonder, am i more afraid they will say no, or they will say yes.

04 March 2007


i have been lost in my own reality for a while. i haven't decided what to do with this thing just yet. maybe i will restart posting here. maybe i will start a new thing. but hopefully within the next few days, i will be posting something somewhere.

maybe i will see you then.